No… no private jet yet!
Glamorous: Sales coming in while you sleep.
Not glamorous: Putting in hours of work during a string of completely sales-less days.
Glamorous: Having complete schedule freedom.
Not glamorous: Spending many Friday and Saturday nights working because there’s something that MUST get done.
Glamorous: Knowing your work is being read/watched by several million people across the globe.
Not glamorous: FREAKING OUT when you break something or your site goes offline.
Glamorous: Getting fan mail.
Not glamorous: The imposter syndrome making you doubt and second-guess yourself.
Glamorous: Finishing and publishing an awesome lesson / e-book / course.
Not glamorous: Having a cranky customer inform you that the links in your lesson / e-book / course are broken.
Glamorous: Creating products once, which you can sell over and over again.
Not glamorous: Writing a big fat check to the U.S. government for self-employment tax.
Glamorous: Breaking out of “the matrix” and living outside society’s scripts and standard expectations.
Not glamorous: When people look at the fruits of your labor and say, “You’re so lucky.”
Glamorous: Being able to work anywhere there’s an internet connection.
Not glamorous: Panicking when you can’t get an internet connection.
Glamorous: Masterminding with other brilliant up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
Not glamorous: Being planted on your butt staring at a screen for a good portion of the day.
Glamorous: Acquiring multiple awesome skills through hands-on experience.
Not glamorous: Being a control freak and having trouble trusting anyone to do it as well as you can.
Glamorous: Hiring someone to do work you don’t want to do yourself.
Not glamorous: One of your contractors taking your $100 deposit and disappearing, never to be heard from again.
Glamorous: Creating the life you desire by working on your own projects, which you genuinely enjoy, and making a real positive impact in other people’s lives.
There is no unglamorous side to that!